Hayat Ullah Khan Durrani (Pride-of-Performance) (Patron-in-Chief PCRCF) in the Deepest cave of Pakistan (Kach Cave, Juniper Shaft Cave), ........................ ... ... Photo: Habibullah Durrani.

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Mohammad Abubakar Durrani (World's Minor Caver) with Shohaib Ahmad Khilji in Natural Decorated Cave of Pakistan (Balochistan)............. Photo :- Hayatullah Khan Durrani.(P.P).

The aims and objects of Pakistan Cave Research

& Caving Federation,

The PCRCFaims and objects are to promote the study of caves and associated phenomena in Pakistan and adjacent areas, for the benefit of People

of Pakistan, protection of the Natural Heritage of Pakistan and International Speleological Community. The objects of the Federation shall be attained by:

(a). Supporting appropriate research on caves and associated phenomena and publication of the useful results of research.

(b) Organizing cave exploration expeditions to further the understanding and knowledge of the Limestones and Caves of Pakistan and adjacent areas.

(C) Organizing conferences and meetings of speleological educational or scientific nature,

(d). Collecting and publishing information of speleological interest;
(e). Maintaining a library of speleological interest.

(f). Establishment of well equipped Cave rescuer Squad,

(g). Construction and establishment of an International level well equipped Caves study / Research and cave exploration / training centre near Quetta (Pakistan).

HISTORY "*"Pakistan Cave Research & Caving Federation.

In 1984 Pakistan Cave Research and  Caving Federation  was inaugurated when a group of CAAB went to Kach Mountains on the invitation

of some local people on abet, they explore, searched a small cave in the middle of vertical rock, Formally to further develop Cave exploration sports, Education cave

mapping, surveying, Research and finding new caves, the idea of an official Pakistan Cave Research and Caving Federation was discussed with the

Orpheus CC members representatives of British Cave Research Association during their visit to Pakistan(1990)

on the Invitation of Pakistan's Most popular Mountaineering and caving Association (Chiltan Adventures Association) keenly working for the promotion of

Mountaineering sports and mountain related Adventures activities in Pakistan also stand as first Cave Exploration Organization in country.

Caving is vast field therefore it was decided By CAAB to establish a separate Federation for the study of caves and associated phenomena in Pakistan and adjacent


On 14th August 1997 the officials and members of Chiltan Adventures Association officially announced the formation (Establishment) of Pakistan Cave Research and

Caving Federation. (The first and only one Federation for Speleological phenomena, Cave exploration, Research on caves, Cave surveys, Mapping in Pakistan).


Please don't forget the Juniper Defenders of PCRCF and CAAB